Use DISC to help market and sell

Using the DISC Personality Profile for marketing and selling is a powerful took.

According to Wikipedia, the “DISC assessment is a behavior assessment tool based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Marston. Marston’s theory centers around four different personality traits: Dominant, Inspiring, Supportive, and Conscientious.”

The quadrant is also broken out into Outgoing and Reserved and  Task Oriented and People Oriented.

disc-personality- Image source: Internet

So how can marketers use this to our advantage?

If you’re selling to a D
you better get to the point fast. Bullet points and headlines make content easier to read and process. (And forget about asking this group, “How is your day going?”. D’s want to get to on and off the phone as fast as they can once they know what you are selling.) Use bold statements. Make buying decisions fast.

If you’re selling to a I
you need to make it messaged like you are all in this together. I’s don’t want to have to read too much but they are different from D’s in that they won’t want to hurt your feeling and will promise to look at it but will move on to find something easier to read. (Also, with this group you CAN ask them how their day is going. They will love it and want to ask you how yours is going too.) Make sure lots of people are in the messaging and make sure they are having fun. Working together, being a team, etc. are all strong tipping points. I’s make buying decisions based on the person they are working with. Relationships are huge for this group.

If you’re selling to a S
know that they are the ones everyone counts on to get things done. This group needs safe and secure with guarantees and the more testimonials, the better. They will read your marketing messaging and will most likely have questions. Trust is big with this group. Use branded logos to reinforce credibility. Talk facts like how long you’ve been in busy and how your plan to be around for a long time. Buying decisions are slow but loyal.

If you’re selling to a C
you need to be on top of details. They want to know sales process, work flow, spread sheets. The more data they have and the more informed they are, the more at ease. C’s read everything from top to bottom and left to right. They look for clarification when buying and like trust symbols including everything from degrees earned to certifications achieved and awards won. They make slow buying decisions and need extra attention into buying.

The more you know about your customer, the more targeted the messaging.

At Boost Creative Group, we work hard to zone in on your audience and understand how we craft our messaging to the above personality traits to influence consumer behavior.

Written by Laura Leszcyznski, marketer at Boost Creative Group

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