Advantages of a Responsive website

More and more people are using their phone, tablet, and other devices to search and find businesses. While this convenience is great for users, website owners are faced with the reality that their site is not mobile-friendly. This is not only a headache for users but also a loss in business opportunity.

A responsive website is extremely critical to your business marketing.

The goal with a responsive site is to seamlessly adapt itself to whichever device it is being viewed from. Images should automatically resize and not be distorted. Users eliminate extra steps to get the info he needs and this provide easy navigation. All this adaptability makes for a better user experience. AND, Google deems this necessary and rewards websites that are fully optimized for mobile platforms. (That’s what all the buzz was about in April of 2015.)

The process to take your site can be painless with the right conversations and strategy in mind.

Advantages of Responsive Design:

  1. Only one website needed
    No more multiple websites anymore.One URL makes it easy for users to interact with the website. Changes only need to be made in one place instead of two.
  2. Google prefers responsive design
    Google prefers responsive sites versus mobile sites when it comes to search engine optimization. Mobile sites require a different URL for it to crawl and index multiple versions of the same site.
  3. Best user experience
    If built properly, the design automatically adjusts to whatever device the user is using. A well put together responsive web design is the simplest way for user to interact and funnel throughout a website. Not having this increases the likelihood that a person will leave your site and never return. Users need to be able to read text, fill out forms, and get the content they want to see without any frustrations on your site.

If you’re not sure where to start, Boost Creative Group can do an audit of your site and identify key opportunities and blindspots so you can maximize your presence on the web and make your site responsive. Just email us today and we’ll get your started.


Written by Megan Bruzan, web designer and strategist.

2 Responses
  1. rocku

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean luctus dui sit amet nisi vulputate tincidunt. Curabitur malesuada nunc vel scelerisque feugiat. Donec bibendum vel tellus eget rutrum. Donec at tortor sit amet leo varius accumsan.

    1. rocku

      Cras eros ex, dictum at accumsan id, sagittis at quam. Sed tempus urna et massa dignissim, rutrum suscipit felis lacinia. In feugiat augue in sapien ultricies sodales. Pellentesque id convallis libero, vitae fringilla sapien. Mauris augue dui, blandit eu convallis quis, sodales et ipsum.

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